05 July 2009



* Be clear about your roles
Know your job scope and what is expected of you. If not, clarify with your supervisor. When working in a team, know each other's roles and responsibilities. Communicate regularly to ensure that the projects are on schedule. Delegate work, where appropriate.

* Prioritise your work

Plane a timeline for your projects. Start on projects that require immediate attention. Allow an additional 10% of your time for unforeseen circumstances.

* Be realistic in what you can do

Start a job only when you can and have time to finish it. Similarly, do not take on new workload when you are up to your neck in work. Learn to say 'no' when necessary.

* Plan your meeting and start on time

Set the objective and agenda for your meeting and request cooperation from team members to be punctual. This help reduce time wasted discussing irrelevant issues and waiting for everyone to get started. The extra minutes saved can be spent on productive work.

* Practice 'power' chat

Keep business telephone conversation brief and concise. Don't get into the habit of chatting too long which could affect your work productivity.

* Counter negative thoughts

Watch out for negative thoughts at work. Stop worrying about how you appear to other people. Focus on your good qualities and accomplishments. Counter negative thoughts with positive affirmations such as " I can do it!". Add helpful reminders to your screen saver, such as, " Take a deep breath," or add a phrase or joke that makes you laugh.

* Be fit and healthy

Join your workplace health programmes such as exercise classes, stress management courses or quit smoking programme, to keep healthy and fit.


* Plan your household chores

Spread out the tasks that need to be done over the week. Avoid doing too many tasks in one day if you can. Prepare a list for grocery shooping so that you don't miss out on buying items that you need.

* Plan your vacation

Plan your travel arrangement early and find out more about the palce you are visiting ( e.g. weather and road conditions, medical facilities, visitor's attractions, safety matters, etc).

Prepare a list of items you need to bring along :
- Important document
- Medication ( if applicable )
- Contact details in case of emergency

If you have pets, make arrangement for someone to take care of them, especially if you are away for an extended period time.

* Plan for festive periods or gatherings

List the people you would be visiting and lan your time. Write down a gift list and purchase the gifts in advance, if necessary.
If you are organising parties or social gatherings, prepare an invitation list and lan the menu. If necessary,make catering arrangement early.

* Plan your child care arrangement

Be aware of the facilities, programmes and deadline for infant/ child care / schooling arrangements. For working adults with young children, ther are inflant/ child care centres and before and after school care facilities that will help look after your children while you are at work. Find one that suits you.

* Recognise the responsibility if you are caring for an elderly

Be aware of demand when caring for elderly, especially if they have a medical condition that requires regular medication and frequent visits to the clinics/ rehabilitation centres. Modifications to the home environment, e.g. renovation can be made to provide a safer environment for the elderly.

Hopefully useful,
Source:Health Promotion Board - Singapore

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